Gable Meal Food Cardboard Box Mockup Download

Food Cardboard Box Mockup

Gable Meal Or Food Container Carry Handle Cardboard Box Mockup Sustainable Packaging. This item is made for a square carton box packaging design presentation. The main design layer is converted into a smart object so you can replace your design on it and get a refreshed, realistic view of your design. You will get a high-quality texture that will give you a real corrugated paper feel made in 3D software with a high-quality render. You can use this mockup in any CC version of Adobe Photoshop.

Food Cardboard Box Mockup 2

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Some qualities of this product:

4000 px X 4000 px Dimensions
300 px/inch Resolution
Smart Object to Replace Your Design
Layer orientation
Changeable Background color
7 different views.