Free Vristo – Tailwind Admin Template Download

Free Vristo – Tailwind Admin Template Download

Free Vristo – Tailwind Admin Template HTML, Angular, React, NextJS, Vue, NuxtJS, Laravel, Node, and CSS.

Free Vristo is a versatile CRM admin template built with Tailwind CSS. It offers a range of ready-made apps to help you create your next back-end application with ease.

You can save time and effort by using our well-designed demos as a starting point for your project. You can also customize your app with various reusable components, such as buttons, charts, widgets, forms, tables, and more. The design is responsive and all set to any screen size.

Free Vristo admin template is ideal for developers who want an admin template that is easy to use, feature-rich, and highly scalable. We have followed the best industry practices to deliver a top-notch admin template that can handle any application you want to build.

Get started quickly

Vristo admin template is simple and user-friendly, so you can get started in no time. It also comes with ready-to-go templates, including two dashboards and eight applications.

  • Chat
  • Mailbox
  • Todo list
  • Notes
  • Scrumboard
  • Contacts
  • Invoice
  • Calendar
  • User Profile


  • Build with Tailwind CSS
  • Build with HTML 5
  • Build with AngularJS
  • Build with ReactJS
  • Build with VueJS
  • Build with NextJS APP Router
  • Build with NuxtJS
  • Build with PHP
  • Build with Laravel
  • Build with ReactJS + Laravel
  • Build with VueJS + Laravel
  • Build with CakePHP
  • Build with CodeIgnitor
  • Build with Symfony
  • Build with Django
  • Build with Ruby on Rails
  • Build with AdonisJS
  • Build with Vite
  • Figma Available
  • Pure Javascript, No jQuery Dependency
  • i18n Multilingual Support
  • Code Splitting, Lazy loading
  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • Multiple Dashboard
  • Multiple navigation styles (Vertical/Horizontal/Collapsible)
  • Multiple Layouts (Full Width/Boxed)
  • Multiple Layouts (Full Width/Boxed)
  • Multiple Navbars (Static/Floating/Sticky)
  • Light, Dark & Semi Dark mode
  • Flexible Charts
  • Custom design for DataTables
  • Pre-built Apps (Chat, Mailbox, Todo List, Notes, Scrumboard, Contacts, Invoices, Calendar, User Profile etc.)
  • Pre-built Pages (FAQs, Helpdesk, Privacy Policy, Coming Soon, Error Pages, etc.)
  • Multiple Authentication pages layouts
  • Pricing
  • Lightbox
  • Drag & Drop
  • Feather & Fontawesome Icons
  • Unlimited Template Possibilities
  • Organized Folder Structure
  • Clean & Commented Code
  • Well Documented
  • FREE Lifetime Updates
  • And Many More…